Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sidewalk to Nowhere

Not sure if everyone noticed it, but I guess someone decided we needed a sidewalk on Springfield Road right by the Frontier building. What the hell is wrong with these people who make these numb-skull decisions? Can somebody please tell me exactly what this sidewalk is for, and where it goes to? Who exactly is going to use the damn thing?

I know one thing for sure... we're paying for it (apparently it costs $1300). I wonder if this is part of our presidents public works stimulus package? [I think not...]

Can't we please just stop this nonsense? What's next? Building a sidewalk from Leona's office to Whiteface?

I was going to go to the meeting tonight and bring this up, but someone has to watch the kids!
Based on the E-mail I've been getting lately, I think more people read the Warbler's Blog than go to town meetings anyway!


  1. I actually heard about this site from a youth board meeting this month. I finally decided to see what it was all about. I have no problem being up front with my postings so I did not use a code name and it was not done out of disrespect.


  2. I too will post as myself to say this: I will use the new sidewalk, and have already...a number of times! Sure makes stroller pushing easier.

  3. Hi Warbler glad to see you back ! Don't know when you saw the sidewalk but its still growing they reached up to Everest and are now tearing up the old blacktop walk past Everest. I to like other friends and you wonder the reason for this sidewalk ? ? I'm sure the money could have been better spent somewhere else in town .I can think of the beach updates or skateboard park to just mention a few.I think it also distracts from our small town charm summer vistors come for.I see no great use for us local folks..... so why ? How do others feel maybe we are missing something ?

  4. Our family has used the sidewalks as well for walking our dog and running.

    As for the skate park at the youth center it looks great. The kids appear to be enjoying the new finish on the park and I think another piece of equipement is coming soon if it's not already here.

  5. I know you just moved here a few years ago. But there is a town hall on springfield and there is a Dr office there. I think W.I.C.,town court and most town meetings are there. The park is on that road a tee ball field also.think about that

  6. I just witnessed those very WIC recipients using said useless sidewalk today! Hmmm... maybe it's going somewhere after all!
