Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wilmington Stimulus Plan

Well, it seems that Wilmington is ahead of the curve when it comes to economic stimulus plans. Wilmington continues to spend and spend and spend our money. We now have a new work truck, and brand new shiny fire engine Smokey bought last year (it's not like we don't have a bunch of them already). But, fear not, we were told our taxes weren't going up to support these expenditures, however, it seems the fire tax did increase this year - imagine that.

Economic stimulus is one thing, but for Christ's sake guys, how about cutting some of the frivolous spending!


  1. yeah that is true ! smokey didn't get a firetruck though i believe it was another state of the art rescue truck which was sent right back to get all the bells and whistles i wonder if they will also follow " obamas infrastructure building plans " and update smokey's firehouse

  2. Is there something I'm missing, or does some sort of conflict of interest exist when we have elected officials creating specifications, expressing need, making decisions, etc... outside the scope and jurisdiction of their offices. A decision of need of new upgrades etc...,from the fire dept has the potential to somehow taint the officials?Even the appearance of impropriety is impropriety.

    I'm still proud of the fine work the dept. does, and their individual commitment to do everything in their power to protect us. I do support your bravery.
